Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – Jan 2006

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, Jan 3rd at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

President Bob McMillan called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. He requested the Secretary to read the minutes from our November meeting.  The reading of the minutes had to be dispensed with because acting Secretary Richard Mason did not have a copy of them.  Bob said we would read and accept the November minutes at the January meeting.

Bob asked the chairman of the field committee for a report and Blackie reported that the field is in good condition but that the spraying which was supposed to take place last Tuesday did not happen.

Mike was asked for a safety report.  He did not have any incidents to report.  He did however relate an incident, which happened to Benny Benoit in which an apparent short occurred in his flight box when it was in his vehicle.  He noticed smoke and found the problem in time to prevent it catching his car and airplanes on fire.  After the incident Benny installed a 2.5 amp fuse in the output side of the battery to prevent a possible recurrence of the event.

Bob reminded us that Charlie has fuel available to anyone needing it.

Bob reminded us that Vic still has a few hats available.

Weldon reported that his wife Susie is doing quite well after the removal of one of her lungs and is improving every day and that she will be traveling back to Boston to have a final x-ray to make sure there are no hot spots or other problems still present.  Weldon thanked the club member for their prayers and support during the time they were in Boston before and after the surgery.  He also counseled the club members that he didn’t truly appreciate all that his wife did for him until this period and advised all members that they should appreciate what their wives do for them every day.

Mike Goetzman reviewed quotes he has received for a replacement sign at the entrance to the field area.  After some discussion a motion was made by Mike that the club accept the bid from new club member Johnny Giuliante for $275 for a 4 by 8 foot sign consisting of two sheets of aluminum with a composition core.  Blackie seconded the motion and it was accepted by a majority vote of members present.

Lee Boutwell gave a report on scheduled club events and proposed budget amounts for each event.  These events are as follows:

March-Family Day-open
April 8-Cub Day-Blackie
May 6-Big Bird-Butch & Mike
October-Fun Scale-George
Open-Family Day-open

Bob asked B.C to give the annual treasurer’s report and B.C. reported that we had a good year.  We started the year with $2924 and as of 11/30/2005 we had $5224.  B.C. said that the primary reason for the good financial year is that membership increased from 70 to 87.  A secondary reason is that we made a nice profit on the fun fly organized by Mike Goetzman.

A budget meeting is needed at this time and it was decided to hold the meeting at the flying field this coming Thursday.

A discussion of what to do with the surplus in the treasury resulted in the following decisions being made.  In order to reduce the clubs income tax bill we will:

1. Pay the $100 per person to the field committee for 2006 in advance
2. Charlie will order a load of fuel
3. Vic will place an order for caps and hats

Nominations for officers were made in November for officers to serve for 2006.  A motion was made by Lee Boutwell to accept the nominations by acclamation.  Members present accepted the motion.   Therefore the officers for 2006 will be the same as for 2005 as follows:
Bob McMillan: President
Charlie Dedon: Vice-President
Willard Beard: Secretary
B. C. Kistler: Treasurer
Blackie LeJeune: Field Committee Chairman
Marvin Wooster: Field Committee Member
Glenn Darce: Field Committee Member

Miscellaneous: Jim Thompson advised the club that the Dixie RC Club in Ramah will hold their pattern event on May 20 and 21, 2006.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 PM.  December 6, 2005

Richard Mason, acting Secretary for Willard Beard, Secretary

By now everyone should have received notice of dues being due.  The provisions in the club by-laws require that every member is notified in advance of dues, and that no payment by the February meeting will result in being removed from the club roster.

I had the boot drive of my main windows pc throw a head.  I lost pretty much everything in my documents.  This newsletter is being done on my Mac Mini and I will continue to use it.  The mail list is a backup from a few months ago.  I will be updating the list very shortly, possibly before the next newsletter.  If you want to be removed from the list you should email me and say so.  There are a few that believe that anyone with an email account should be forced to get the newsletter that way.  If you have an opinion on that come to the meeting and let it be known.